Espressione Corporea engages elements common to all the Arts: time, space, energy and “refines intuition and stimulates creativity. With the refinement of critical thinking and sensitivity, we are better able to fully enjoy any art form, not just with the heart but also with the spirit ...”
(translated from: Susanne Martinet, The Music of the Body, 1992, Erickson)
Espressione Corporea engages elements common to all the Arts: time, space, energy and “refines intuition and stimulates creativity. With the refinement of critical thinking and sensitivity, we are better able to fully enjoy any art form, not just with the heart but also with the spirit ...”
(translated from: Susanne Martinet, The Music of the Body, 1992, Erickson)
Espressione Corporea engages elements common to all the Arts: time, space, energy and “refines intuition and stimulates creativity. With the refinement of critical thinking and sensitivity, we are better able to fully enjoy any art form, not just with the heart but also with the spirit ...”
(translated from: Susanne Martinet, The Music of the Body, 1992, Erickson)
Espressione Corporea engages elements common to all the Arts: time, space, energy and “refines intuition and stimulates creativity. With the refinement of critical thinking and sensitivity, we are better able to fully enjoy any art form, not just with the heart but also with the spirit ...”
(translated from: Susanne Martinet, The Music of the Body, 1992, Erickson)

Espressione Corporea is a multi-modal discipline that refines the senses and create relationships between sound, image, movement and musical language. Using the expressive arts such as movement, visual art, sound/music, writing, and theatre, it aims to foster greater awareness of others and self, stimulate creativity, and improve communication skills. It can also provide an avenue for exploring the link between the creative and the sacred, and the spiritual role of creativity and the arts.
The Espressione Corporea Project can facilitate workshops for a variety of populations, both adults and children. Workshops can be tailored to those involved in the artistic fields, those interested in contemporary spirituality or engaged in spiritual pursuits of their own, those wishing to work on communication and creative skills, those whose profession is oriented towards others, such as psychologists, teachers, educators, …and more!
Espressione Corporea is a multi-modal discipline that refines the senses and create relationships between sound, image, movement and musical language. Using the expressive arts such as movement, visual art, sound/music, writing, and theatre, it aims to foster greater awareness of others and self, stimulate creativity, and improve communication skills. It can also provide an avenue for exploring the link between the creative and the sacred, and the spiritual role of creativity and the arts.
The Espressione Corporea Project can facilitate workshops for a variety of populations, both adults and children. Workshops can be tailored to those involved in the artistic fields, those interested in contemporary spirituality or engaged in spiritual pursuits of their own, those wishing to work on communication and creative skills, those whose profession is oriented towards others, such as psychologists, teachers, educators, …and more!
Some basics of “The Espressione Corporea Project” include
Some basics of “The Espressione Corporea Project” include
Some basics of “The Espressione Corporea Project” include

“While Espressione Corporea, in its purest form, seeks to explore movement in relation to forms of artistic expression, I have found it effective in deepening the understanding of areas outside of the formal arts. This connection to ‘non-arts’ has been a prominent force in my pedagogical and creative work, and stems from my background as a Chemistry/Theatre major, as well as my experience in Seminary and my work in Expressive Arts and Healing.
Espressione Corporea provides new insights to areas such as the humanities, sciences, and math, as well as spirituality. Through the use of the imagination and critical thinking, Espressione Corporea generates a framework within which active experiences and innovative techniques can be developed, fostering a fresh approach to historical, spiritual, scientific, sociocultural and artistic contexts.”
“While Espressione Corporea, in its purest form, seeks to explore movement in relation to forms of artistic expression, I have found it effective in deepening the understanding of areas outside of the formal arts. This connection to ‘non-arts’ has been a prominent force in my pedagogical and creative work, and stems from my background as a Chemistry/Theatre major, as well as my experience in Seminary and my work in Expressive Arts and Healing.
Espressione Corporea provides new insights to areas such as the humanities, sciences, and math, as well as spirituality. Through the use of the imagination and critical thinking, Espressione Corporea generates a framework within which active experiences and innovative techniques can be developed, fostering a fresh approach to historical, spiritual, scientific, sociocultural and artistic contexts.”
“While Espressione Corporea, in its purest form, seeks to explore movement in relation to forms of artistic expression, I have found it effective in deepening the understanding of areas outside of the formal arts. This connection to ‘non-arts’ has been a prominent force in my pedagogical and creative work, and stems from my background as a Chemistry/Theatre major, as well as my experience in Seminary and my work in Expressive Arts and Healing.
Espressione Corporea provides new insights to areas such as the humanities, sciences, and math, as well as spirituality. Through the use of the imagination and critical thinking, Espressione Corporea generates a framework within which active experiences and innovative techniques can be developed, fostering a fresh approach to historical, spiritual, scientific, sociocultural and artistic contexts.”
Espressione Corporea, as an educational discipline, was created by Patricia Stokoe (1929-1996) in the sixties in Argentina. Stokoe was a graduate from the Royal Academy of Dance in London and was inspired by Jacque Dalcroze, Rudolph Laban, Isadora Duncan, Moshe Feldenkrais and the Eutony of Gerda Alexander.
Stokoe was the founder of the Argentine Academy of Body Expression-Dance, now known as Kalmar-Stokoe Academy. She developed methods that facilitated the search for movement and expression with personal meaning and the idea of joyful play and imagination.

Espressione Corporea, as an educational discipline, was created by Patricia Stokoe (1929-1996) in the sixties in Argentina. Stokoe was a graduate from the Royal Academy of Dance in London and was inspired by Jacque Dalcroze, Rudolph Laban, Isadora Duncan, Moshe Feldenkrais and the Eutony of Gerda Alexander.
Stokoe was the founder of the Argentine Academy of Body Expression-Dance, now known as Kalmar-Stokoe Academy. She developed methods that facilitated the search for movement and expression with personal meaning and the idea of joyful play and imagination.

As a choreographer and performing artist, I have always worked with movement and the visual. My performance work combines song, text, and the use of commonplace objects to create pieces that explore themes of gender roles, current events, and the absurdity that underpins our culture. Depictions of everyday life and issues that approach the controversial come to life through language manipulation that leverages play on words and rhythmic phrasing.
In my pursuit of new creative endeavors, I recently began creating dance films that combine my passion for movement with a sense of storytelling. As a newcomer to the world of filmmaking, I find this more visual approach to movement allows me to cultivate fresh approaches to observation, collaboration and creativity, and challenges me in new and different ways.
Whether through live performance work or through dance on film, I firmly believe that dance, as in all art forms, reflects the human spirit, taps into human emotion and reflects how we see the world.
As a choreographer and performing artist, I have always worked with movement and the visual. My performance work combines song, text, and the use of commonplace objects to create pieces that explore themes of gender roles, current events, and the absurdity that underpins our culture. Depictions of everyday life and issues that approach the controversial come to life through language manipulation that leverages play on words and rhythmic phrasing.
In my pursuit of new creative endeavors, I recently began creating dance films that combine my passion for movement with a sense of storytelling. As a newcomer to the world of filmmaking, I find this more visual approach to movement allows me to cultivate fresh approaches to observation, collaboration and creativity, and challenges me in new and different ways.
Whether through live performance work or through dance on film, I firmly believe that dance, as in all art forms, reflects the human spirit, taps into human emotion and reflects how we see the world.
As a choreographer and performing artist, I have always worked with movement and the visual. My performance work combines song, text, and the use of commonplace objects to create pieces that explore themes of gender roles, current events, and the absurdity that underpins our culture. Depictions of everyday life and issues that approach the controversial come to life through language manipulation that leverages play on words and rhythmic phrasing.
In my pursuit of new creative endeavors, I recently began creating dance films that combine my passion for movement with a sense of storytelling. As a newcomer to the world of filmmaking, I find this more visual approach to movement allows me to cultivate fresh approaches to observation, collaboration and creativity, and challenges me in new and different ways.
Whether through live performance work or through dance on film, I firmly believe that dance, as in all art forms, reflects the human spirit, taps into human emotion and reflects how we see the world.
Artist, Teacher, Choreographer

Artist, Teacher, Choreographer

Artist, Teacher, Choreographer
The Espressione Corporea Project is a nonprofit organization under Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3). All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.